Walk Her Home is a 501(c)3 charity governed by a Board of Directors with a mission to fight human sex trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation in the United States. Our mission is to raise awareness of the factors that drive demand for trafficking and support the restoration of victim-survivors of sexual exploitation.
To create awareness and support our local and national beneficiaries, Walk Her Home has hosted 5k events and launched Walk Her Home clubs in high schools and colleges to encourage kids to teach kids about the dangers of sexual exploitation, pornography and human trafficking. To learn more, visit walkherhomeclub.com.
Past & Current Supported Partners

The National Center on Sexual Exploitation (endsexualexploitation.org)
To raise awareness and force corporations and government to protect kids from sexual exploitation, the National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE) influences the public, corporations, judges, courts, and legislators to fight the power of technology companies, the media, pornography sites and for-profit entities who contribute to sexual exploitation, including child sexual abuse, sex trafficking, sexual harassment, the public health crisis of pornography, stripping and the demand for prostitution.
$3,000 proceeds from Rustin Movie Event Fundraiser given to the National Trafficking Sheltered Alliance and National Center on Sexual Exploitation in July 2019.

National Trafficking Sheltered Alliance (shelteredalliance.org)
To foster a community of service providers for survivors of human trafficking and sexual exploitation that work together to improve competency, increase credibility, and become a collective voice for change.
Susan Ingram, Walk Her Home president, with our beneficiaries: Melissa Yao, Director, National Trafficking Sheltered Alliance (on left) and Dawn Hawkins, Senior Vice President, National Center on Sexual Exploitation (on right).
$3,000 proceeds from Rustin Movie Event Fundraiser given to the National Trafficking Sheltered Alliance and National Center on Sexual Exploitation in July 2019.

Dawn’s Place (ahomefordawn.org)
Dawn’s Place supports women affected by commercial sexual exploitation and its abuse by providing services to women, raising awareness through education, and generating prevention, public policy reform and community collaborations. Dawn’s Place provides housing, trauma recovery services, vocational training and other services.
Presentation of a check to Dawn’s Place on December 20, 2018.
Presentation of a check to Dawn’s Place on December 20, 2017.

Salvation Army’s New Day New Home
In January 2017, the Salvation Army opened its first live-in residence at an undisclosed location in the greater Philadelphia area. The Salvation Army’s New Day New Home is an operating residence for women from 18 to 24 years of age, who were trafficked as minors, and are “aging out” of child protective services.
Presentation of our second check to Salvation Army’s New Day New Home on December 13, 2018.
Presentation of our first check to Salvation Army’s New Day New Home on November 28, 2017.